Pokémon Sword e Shield - Berry Tree

Berry Tree shaking

Existem árvores especiais em Pokémon Sword e Shield chamadas de Berry Trees. É a principal maneira de obter Berries no jogo, além de Apricorns (itens para fazer Poké Bolas especiais) e Leftovers.

A mecânica da Berry Tree consiste em balançar a árvore para derrubar Berries. Após fazer isso uma vez, existe a opção de continuar balançando diversas vezes ou ir embora. Portanto, existem três possíveis cenários:

  • Conseguir mais Berries e ter a opção continuar com o ciclo;
  • Ser atacado por um Pokémon selvagem da árvore, que vai levar embora consigo algumas Berries e encerrar o ciclo;
  • Ir embora com as Berries já coletados.

As berries reaparecem diariamente em cada árvore após serem coletados em um dia. Cada árvore possui um conjunto específico de itens e de Pokémon que podem aparecer, que são listados nas tabelas a seguir.

Em Pokémon Sword e Shield

Local Imagem do local Possível encontros Possíveis itens
Axew's Eye Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Salac Berry, Lum Berry, Kee Berry, Maranga Berry, Kebia Berry, Colbur Berry
Bridge Field Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Sitrus Berry, Passho Berry, Wiki Berry, Leftovers
Bridge Field Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Pomeg Berry, Tamato Berry, Sitrus Berry, Occa Berry, Figy Berry, Leftovers
Bridge Field Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Hondew Berry, Grepa Berry, Sitrus Berry, Rindo Berry, Aguav Berry, Leftovers
Bridge Field Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Ganlon Berry, Liechi Berry, Roseli Berry, Babiri Berry, Chople Berry, Kasib Berry, Leftovers
Dappled Grove Skwovet (70%), Cherubi (30%) Oran Berry, Chesto Berry,Pecha Berry, Persim Berry
Dappled Grove Skwovet (70%), Cherubi (30%) Oran Berry, Chesto Berry, Rawst Berry, Pomeg Berry, Pecha Berry
Dappled Grove Skwovet (70%), Cherubi (30%) Chesto Berry,Rawst Berry, Leppa Berry, Chilan Berry, Grepa Berry
Dappled Grove Skwovet (70%), Cherubi (30%) Pecha Berry, Rawst Berry, Oran Berry, Chilan Berry, Apicot Berry
Giant's Cap Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Ganlon Berry, Tamato Berry, Qualot Berry, Apicot Berry, Lum Berry, Leftovers
Giant's Mirror Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Kelpsy Berry, Hondew Berry, Tamato Berry, Pomeg Berry, Qualot Berry, Grepa Berry, Leftovers
Giant's Seat Greedent (70%), Cherubi (30%) Sitrus Berry, Chesto Berry, Aspear Berry, Leppa Berry, Qualot Berry, Ganlon Berry
Hammerlocke Hills Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Sitrus Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Hondew Berry, Iapapa Berry, Mago Berry, Leftovers
Hammerlocke Hills Greedent (75%), Cherubi (25%) Leppa Berry, Pomeg Berry, Grepa Berry, Wacan Berry, Petaya Berry, Leftovers
Lake of Outrage Greedent (95%), Cherubi (5%) Apicot Berry, Petaya Berry, Haban Berry, Yache Berry, Charti Berry, Shuca Berry, Leftovers
Motostoke Riverbank Greedent (50%), Skwovet (35%), Cherubi (15%) Sitrus Berry, Leppa Berry, Tanga Berry, Coba Berry, Salac Berry, Leftovers
Motostoke Riverbank Greedent (50%), Skwovet (35%), Cherubi (15%) Pomeg Berry, Grepa Berry, Qualot Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Hondew Berry, Tamato Berry, Leftovers
North Lake Miloch Skwovet (50%), Cherubi (50%) Rawst Berry, Persim Berry, Hondew Berry, Aspear Berry, Petaya Berry
Rolling Fields Skwovet (80%), Cherubi (20%) Oran Berry, Pecha Berry, Cheri Berry
Rolling Fields Skwovet (80%), Cherubi (20%) Oran Berry, Persim Berry, Cheri Berry, Kelpsy Berry
Route 3 Skwovet (80%), Cherubi (20%) Oran Berry, Persim Berry, Rawst Berry, Persim Berry
Route 4 Skwovet (100%) Cheri Berry, Pecha Berry, Oran Berry, Leppa Berry
Route 5 Skwovet (100%) Chesto Berry, Chilan Berry, Cheri Berry, Persim Berry
Route 6 Greedent (100%) Sitrus Berry, Rawst Berry, Leppa Berry, Persim Berry
Route 7 Greedent (100%) Aspear Berry, Figy Berry, Ganlon Berry, Liechi Berry
Route 7 Greedent (100%) Pomeg Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Hondew Berry, Grepa Berry, Tamato Berry, Lum Berry
Route 9 Greedent (100%) Wiki Berry, Aguav Berry, Iapapa Berry, Petaya Berry, Apicot Berry
Route 9 Greedent (100%) Lum Berry, Roseli Berry, Chople Berry, Tanga Berry, Salac Berry
Watchtower Ruins Skwovet (50%), Cherubi (50%) Sitrus Berry, Leppa Berry, Oran Berry, Cheri Berry, Rawst Berry, Liechi Berry

Em Isle of Armor

Isle of Armor Imagem do local Possível encontros Possíveis itens
Fields of Honor Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Rawst Berry, Red Apricorn
Fields of Honor Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Pecha Berry, Pink Apricorn
Fields of Honor Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Rawst Berry, Red Apricorn
Fields of Honor Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Coba Berry, Leppa Berry, Black Apricorn
Soothing Wetlands Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Coba Berry, Leppa Berry, Black Apricorn
Soothing Wetlands Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Ganlon Berry, Iapapa Berry, Yellow Apricorn
Soothing Wetlands Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Aguav Berry, Apicot Berry, Green Apricorn
Soothing Wetlands Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Liechi Berry, Figy Berry, Green Apricorn
Loop Lagoon Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Qualot Berry
Challenge Beach Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Wiki Berry, Petaya Berry, Blue Apricorn
Challenge Beach Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Maranga Berry, Petaya Berry, Black Apricorn
Forest of Focus Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Emolga (10%) Red Apricorn, Blue Apricorn, Yellow Apricorn, Black Apricorn
Forest of Focus Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Emolga (10%) Sitrus Berry, White Apricorn
Forest of Focus Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Emolga (10%) Sitrus Berry, Pink Apricorn
Forest of Focus Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Emolga (10%) Blue Apricorn, Black Apricorn
Forest of Focus Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Emolga (10%) Sitrus Berry, Yellow Apricorn, Blue Apricorn, White Apricorn
Forest of Focus Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Emolga (10%) Sitrus Berry, Yellow Apricorn, Black Apricorn
Forest of Focus Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Emolga (10%) Green Apricorn
Training Lowlands Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Coba Berry, White Apricorn
Training Lowlands Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Grepa Berry
Insular Sea Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Pomeg Berry
Stepping-Stone Sea Skwovet (60%), Applin (30%), Flapple (10% Sword), Appletun (10% Shield) Hondew Berry
Workout Sea Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Tamato Berry
Workout Sea Skwovet (70%), Applin (30%) Kelpsy Berry

Em Crown Tundra

Crown Tundra Imagem do local Possível encontros Possíveis itens
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Tamato Berry, Custap Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Grepa Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Iapapa Berry, Sitrus Berry, Enigma Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Kasib Berry, Occa Berry, Rindo Berry, Chople Berry, Passho Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Hondew Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Enigma Berry, Aguav Berry, Mago Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Qualot Berry, Custap Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Kelpsy Berry, Custap Berry
Ballimere Lake Skwovet (60%), Greedent (30%), Munchlax (10%) Pomeg Berry, Custap Berry
Giant's Bed Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Apicot Berry, Babiri Berry, Petaya Berry, Micle Berry
Giant's Bed Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Tanga Berry, Payapa Berry, Kebia Berry, Salac Berry
Giant's Bed Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Haban Berry, Lum Berry, Roseli Berry, Jaboca Berry, Rowap Berry
Giant's Bed Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Colbur Berry, Micle Berry, Coba Berry, Shuca Berry, Wacan Berry
Giant's Foot Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Green Apricorn, Yellow Apricorn, Persim Berry
Giant's Foot Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Kee Berry, White Apricorn, Maranga Berry
Giant's Foot Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Blue Apricorn, Red Apricorn, Oran Berry
Giant's Foot Skwovet (80%), Greedent (20%) Pink Apricorn, Black Apricorn, Chesto Berry
Frostpoint Field Skwovet (70%), Greedent (30%) Petaya Berry, Liechi Berry, Yache Berry, Charti Berry
Slippery Slope Skwovet (70%), Greedent (30%) Micle Berry, Aspear Berry, Sitrus Berry, Leppa Berry

Nilo Fortes

Doutorando em Engenharia Química, acompanha a franquia Pokémon desde pequeno tanto no anime como nos jogos. Unindo habilidades do mundo científico com o incrível mundo de Pokémon, entrei na PBN em 2021 como redator para contribuir com a comunidade gerando conteúdo de qualidade.

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